Sunday 26 November 2017

"Red Zone" thermometer

If you've ever shopped at an Apple Store, it may have appeared to be a chaotic environment.  Indeed, there are three different teams working the store floor, including sales Specialists, Genius technical support, and previously Trainers delivering OneToOne training sessions.  Many employees are part time, meaning they are typically at work for 15-30 hours each week.  There are daily meetings before the store opens, but any employees coming into work later in the day missed out on any information presented during those Daily Downloads.

The leadership team at my store needed to present critical information--namely the sales team's customer satisfaction rating--to the entire team.  I offered a laminated thermometer poster that could be updated with dry-erase markers to present up-to-date information, as well as solicit feedback from employees who might have ideas but not be present at the Daily Downloads to share them.

The poster includes a thermometer that can be colored in to demonstrate progress towards a goal or the current "temperature" (score) of the "red zone" sales team, "symptoms" for specific feedback from customers, a "prescription" for leadership's suggested changes, and a field for employees to share their own suggestions.

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